Saturday, December 25, 2010

Organize It! Kids Plasticwear

Hello again and welcome to another edition of Organize It! My own little journey of getting and keeping my home neat and organized. I'm sure you have heard the old saying 'There is a place for everything, and everything in it's place', well I live by this saying. With a somewhat messy husband and a 4 year old mini of DH I'm always picking things up and putting them back after them. Especially with having 6 other children throughout the week my home needs to be neat,tidy and clean (I own a home daycare and LOVE it)
With enjoying a 3 day weekend I decided to do a little project today. Organize my kids plasticwear (forks,spoons,lids,straws,etc) because it was one spot in my home that definately needed some attention!

Start with your area and access the damage. Because I do prepare breakfast,lunch and a snack for 7 kids 3 days a week, and 4 kids 2 days a week I have to keep more plasticwear that most so just be sure to only keep what you need and actually use.

Take everything out of the drawer (Or area your working on) so you can see what you have

Figure out your organizing strategy and make sure it not only fits in the space intended for but also maximizes space instead of just taking up space. These little baskets are great and are cheap! See how I organized my junk drawers HERE with them!

Clean and prep your area to be sure there are no crumbs or dirt after everything is organized and pretty! I make my own cleaning supplies that are green and 100% safe so remember to use something non-toxic especially when cleaning a drawer with eating utensils in it.

I went through it all and matched up all the forks and spoons then the misc items. Yes, that's a mixture of 28 spoons,forks and one knife. (And no we don't need that many)

Get rid of anything you don't need,the kids have outgrown or simply haven't used it in awhile. Somehow we had like 10 or more of those red lids that come with plastic kids cups at restaurants and we definately don't need that many! I'm getting rid of everything with the exception of the silver set at the bottom and I just don't want anything happening to it since it was a gift to my son from my grandmother.

Be sure to wash everything before you put it back so everything is clean when you put it back!

Now is the fun part! Organizing and putting everything back. Doesn't it look great?

Be sure to check back and see how I organized by drinking glasses and cups!

Santa Baby......

Santa baby, forgot to mention one little thing, a ring
I don't mean a phone
Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight

My DH get's MAJOR points for this one. He REALLY outdid himself this year. He knows me so well, I absolutely LOVE my Christmas present honey! Thank you so much!

My little man and handsome hubby on Christmas Eve

A few pictures of my little man this morning after Santa came!

Don't mind the orange stained mouth we treated him to a orange coke lastnight haha :)

One of the coolest toys he got for sure! Remote controlled Buzz Lightyear. A definite must-have for any Buzz fan! I played with it for like 15 minutes myself ha!

I got lucky and bought it on BF for 50% off.

Wishing you a very Merry CHRISTmas from my family to yours. Remember JESUS is the reason for the season. Happy Birthday Jesus!!


Well Hello! It's been awhile! I hope you enjoyed a very Merry CHRISTmas with lots of love,good food and family time! Can you believe it's almost 2011? I can't!! This year has literally flown by.

Do you have a New Years Resolution this year? Mine are pretty simple. Spend less money and get a little more organized. I think it will be fairly easy :)

Over the next few weeks I will be sharing tips on organizing your home and life along with money saving ideas and recipes. Stay tuned for more! I will also be continueing my Organize It! series!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Organize It! Kitchen Drawers

So I showed you HERE how I organized the cabinet under my sink but before I did that, I started organizing my drawers. I forgot to take before pics but here are my afters! (I know, I know it's not as fun when you don't have before pics, but just imagine all this STUFF thrown in the drawer in a big messy cluttered pile) I have one other drawer I had not done yet which was the drawer that holds my sons forks/spoons/lids/straws/etc in it but it's done now and I will take and add that photo later.

I LOVE these little baskets! They come in packs of 3 for $1.17 at my Wally World!

In this drawer you see I keep my pencils/sharpies handy in my long basket, then I have a few samples and some hand sanitizer in the other. On the bottom left is my sons Gator charger which we have to keep handy since we charge it like twentykabillion times a week.

And this dear drawer has put up with my cramming junk,papers,junk mail, and all other random JUNK it in for the past 4 years. I have finally got it organized to my liking and it's so pretty I don't think I will mess it up anymore! A place for everything and everything in it's place is my new FAV saying! If it has no place in your home the best place is in the trash! (Or box to GW)

Hope you like how I organize my drawers. Any tips are ALWAYS appreciated!

Have a good Saturday!

Organize It!

So lately I have been stressing about getting my house organized and in order for Fall. I always tend to need(Ok, more like WANT because I keep my house clean to begin with) to do a 'deep' clean when the season comes to an end and unfortunately summer is fading away quickly. So as I started to clean last week I realized something totally and absolutely cleaning cabinet! UMMM HELLO of ALL places it was hands odnw THE nastiest place in my home. I have neglected it for awhile now just not realizing it and the time has come to CLEAN IT!

Here is the BEFORE....WARNING it's terrible!

This is the inside of the cabinet door all the way on the right. um can we say YUCK!

After I pulled everything out from under the cabinet. I filled a trash bag of trash up!

I can't believe I'm actually showing this one! See how bad it was? I told you it had been awhile since I cleaned it last! I didn't even know there was anything spilled until I took everything out!

And here are the AFTER pictures. I scrubbed down the cabients really good to!

I absolutely HATE having white cabinets and I've contemplated lately painting them black. What do you think? My counter tops are a black granite like color and my appliances are black. I was thinking replacing them with stainless steel if I painted the cabinets black but my appliances are barely a year old so I don't know.

I am fall cleaning with Bonnie over at House of Grace. Won't you join us?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Batman Birthday

Hello Again! I have a sliiiight dilemma on my hands and need your help once again. My son's 4th birthday is coming up soon (November 4th) and he has said he wants a Batman birthday. I'm planning on having a black/yellow candy buffet,getting a friend to dress up as Batman and my hubby is planning a power wheels mud bog (Yes, we are redneck HA!) But I just don't feel like that is enough POP or has the WOW facter I'm going for. I would LOVE some ideas on how to make this a totally AWESOME and remembered birthday party. Any tips or ideas are greatly appreciated!

White House, Black Shutters

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Living Room Re-Do

I'm in the process (and by process I mean trying to decide colors,furniture,layout, well EVERYTHING) of redoing my living room and I need you help and input! This is my living room before we moved (back) in and right after my hardwood floor was installed (hence the dirty floors ha!) I LOVE my floor but it's a pain in the butt to keep clean! I absolutely loved my living room when we moved (back) in but now I'm bored with it and need something new. We had moved out to sell our house and ended up moving back in and never listed it because while we where moved out the housing market in our area totally crashed so we decided to stay here a few more years since we wanted to sell and didnt 'have' to. This was 3 years ago and we're still here! Here are the photos of my LR before and during as I decorated.

Now here are some photos of my rug and furnture that I have now...

Everything still looks pretty much the same....there is no real decor in the room because I don't want anything to get broken and just haven't had the time. Plus I didn't know about being thrifty and all these great DIY projects I've learned from reading blogs! (Which has inspired me) I do have more in the room now than in these photos because remember these photos are 3 years old, but it gives you a idea of what I'm working with.
Ok so other than the hardwood floor and ceiling fan (Those I'm not changing)
Here is the breakdown of what I need to figure out
#1: Paint Color for the walls
#2: Couch
#3: Buffet Table
#4: End Tables (We don't really need a coffee table)
#5: Other misc. decor
My vision is a beautiful creamy off-white walls with a brown leather couch and a buffet/dresser painted a purdy aqua blue with a HUGE ORB mirror above it. All tied together with ORB,Blue,and Heirloom white splashes around the room. I'm not sure how that will all look, but I'm hoping I can pull it off! I'm also open to ANY ideas you can throw my way! We have a pretty big living room to fill so I may also add a bench by the front door with some storage baskets underneath.

Linking up to my very FIRST link party over at White House, Black Shutters (A blog I ADORE) for Help Me! Wednesday.

White House, Black Shutters

Thursday, June 17, 2010

$15 off $15 at Metrostyle

For all you frugal peeps out there here is a promo code good for $15 off a purchase of $15 of more at Metrostyle: MSJUNE26

I'm not sure when it expires so head on over HERE and take a looksie!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It's been a while!

Since my last (first) post and I obviously have some catching up to do!

So it's finally summer and we're lovin every minute of it (ok well not totally loving the icky sticky humidity, yuck!) Buuuuut atleast it's not cold outside!

I don't have much time now but I've got some awesome B&A's (before & afters) of some projects I'm doing right now! Think Pottery Barn on a Walmart budget!! =-)

Monday, January 11, 2010

First Post!


Welcome to my new blog! Adventures of a Super-Family!

Let me give you a little insight on where this blog name comes from. Back about 5 years ago I met my wonderful husband. He is everything I could have ever wanted or dreamed for in a husband. At some point we came up with his nickname......superman! He is my total absolutely perfect Superman. Now, we all know superman wouldn't be so super without a wonderful wife by his side taking care of right him, so thus comes me supermom! I try each and every day to be the best wife and mom I can be, I strive to be SUPER! and finally, our little 3 year old son makes us the super family, he is our little super mini-man! He is JUST like his daddy, looks and acts JUST LIKE HIM!

So.....there you have it. The story behind how we become the Super-Family!

Now on to us. I'm a 22 year old SAHM (Stay at home mom) and I am darn PROUD of it! I don't see myself ever working outside of our home, unless it's out of my control. Luckily for me I have a wonderful SUPERMAN of a husband who works VERY hard to provide a AMAZING life for us! I'm a southern bred, martha stewart loving, crate and barrell obsessed,couponaholic, homecooked, homegrown (ok, maybe one day!)chaoticly organized Domestic Diva! I have a love for all things homemade and I plan to learn to sew in the very near future (and no, it won't sit on the shelf in the closet still in the box like the Cricut is...hehe) Now Superman, he is a very complex man. He has a love for all things 4X4. I adore the passion he has for his trucks (yes plural, he has 3 or 4 of them haha) He is building one heck of a monster mud truck which we all will be able to enjoy this coming summer. He adores his little family and loves being a daddy and husband. He is super hardcore on the outside but a total teddy bear when no one else is looking!
I saved the BEST for last, our little super mini-man. He is the reason our hearts beat and the best blessing we have ever recieved. He brings such joy to our lives and many others. He has more personality than any other 3 year

We are currently TTC Baby #2 hoping & praying to add a new member this year.

I'm definatly not new to the blog world, I have a few blogs I avidly follow and I decided I was ready to start my own little blogspace in the world. I plan to record our life adventures good or bad,along with a few good deals,tips & tricks to help with daily life! So be sure to bookmark me and if you have ANY advice for a new blogger please do share!!